Amateur Ham Radio Band Plan (HF) Printed and Laminated 8 1/2 x 11 (Full Page Letter Size)
A very quick and handy reference for those who are new to the hobby of “Radio”. Printed (full page, double-sided, Arial 12pt font making it easy to read) and laminated this can make a great addition to the shack, go box, or grab bag. Covers the following common ham bands. Artisan quality, hand made in Canada.
- 160M
- 80M
- 60M
- 40M
- 30M
- 20M
- 17M
- 15M
- 12M
- 10M
Reference points include the band edges and modes within the band and special calling frequencies, including repeaters, SSB/CW allocations, simplex, and data / packet / satellite, where applicable. See image for example.
While not meant to be an exhaustive or complete list it will serve those new to the hobby of radio a great place to start.