Workman Electronics BS1HAM 40M to UHF Multi Band HF Amateur Ham Radio Dipole Antenna
- Multi Band Amateur Ham Radio Dipole
- 200W Maximum RFÂ
- 12′ RG58AU Coax with PL-259 on Each End
- 36′ per spoolÂ
- Frequency Range: (For best results use a tuner or cut to length for desired band(s) if required)
- 40M (1/4 Wave)
- 20M (1/2 Wave)
- 17M
- 15M
- 12M
- 11M
- 10M
- 2M / 144Mhz
- 1.25M / 220Mhz
- 70CM / 440Mhz
Approximate band radiating loading lengthsÂ
- Full Wave Length (1 WL ) at 29.3 MHz
- Half Wave Length (1/2 WL) at 14.6 MHz
- Quarter Wave Length (1/4 WL) at 7.3 MHz
- Eighth Wave Length (1/8 WL) at 3.7 MHz
As a Dipole it should be mounted at about 16 Feet above ground, but could be installed as little as 8 Feet above ground, using an antenna tuner for best results
Why does Fleetwood like this antenna?
- It’s small and compact. Attic or Bedroom. Indoors or Outdoors
- It’s complete, ready to install
- It’s low cost and performs well
Installation Suggestions:
Feed the coax out a window and then…
- Run the antenna along the gutter for great SWL properties
- Start at the gutter and run to the ground as a sloper dipole antenna
- Start at one end of the gutter and finish at the other end, with the middle of the antenna forming a “V” Dipole Antenna. (45o angles)
- Start in the middle and allow the ends of the antenna to head towards ground in an inverted V dipole antenna format (45o angles)
- Tree to tree or fence post to fence post. The higher above ground the better!
No window nearby?
Drill a Hole through the Ceiling of the radio Shack and put the Workman BS-1 Dipole Antenna In the attic. Use any of the above installs that meet your environment and individual band needs.
Apartment / Townhouse / HMO Dwellers:
Hang the Workman BS-1 Dipole Antenna at the very top corner of a bedroom and run the antenna long the lengths of the two nearest walls, with the excess left to drop to the floor. The antenna should resemble a sideways L (90o angles) Be sure to avoid electrical ceiling lights!
The Workman BS-1 Dipole Antenna is Compact, Complete, and ready to Install !